Fachschaft Englisch

Ms Brune, Ms Eßer-Quirin, Ms Kreilmann, Mr Schulze, Ms Pfennig, Ms Getiev, Ms Canchola, Ms Finke, Mr Thieltges, Ms Maaßen, Ms Eckers, Ms Sorges, Mr Dahmen, Ms Petri, Ms Hilpert, Ms Pypetz-Fischer, Mr Grenner (v.l.n.r.) o. Ms Reuter, Ms Dincman, Ms Bücker

English is what we love!

Dear students,
English is what we love, English is what you will love too because it is such a great language. Learning English will enable you to talk to almost anyone anywhere on this planet. At our school we want to help you become independent and learn how to expand your horizons in many ways. Albert-Einstein-Gymnasium gives you a lot of choices and chances to do so: You will learn English on your own, with a partner, in groups and even in little projects, which you will present to your classmates. In grade 7 you will have the opportunity to get a first-hand experience: You will go to the UK and explore its sights and sounds as well as the Britons themselves. One year later you may want to learn Biology, Geography or History in a bilingual course. Moreover in grades 5-9 you can win interesting prizes by taking part in the nationwide Big Challenge Contest and get a feedback on your language skills. However, in case you find learning English too challenging, there will always be a helping hand out there for you:  In Sek I as well as in Sek II we offer special courses if you need some more training. We consider learning English an ongoing process and would like to support you on your journey towards this lingua franca which will be your key to our globalized world: “Meet the time as it seeks us.” (Shakespeare)

We are looking forward to meeting you,
your English department

Ms Brune, Ms Bücker, Ms Canchola, Mr Dahmen, Ms Dincman, Ms Eckers, Ms Eßer-Quirin, Ms Finke, Ms Getiev, Mr Grenner, Ms Hilpert, Ms Kreilmann, Ms Maaßen, Ms Pfennig, Ms Petri, Ms Pypetz-Fischer, Ms Reuter, Mr Schulze, Ms Sorges, Mr Thieltges
